ALL ABOUT INDONESIA- Indonesia’s natural wealth is not only portrayed through its beautiful panorama of nature tourism. From thousands of islands that are stretched across the ocean, Indonesia deserves to hold the position as one of the tourism countries in Southeast Asia.
White Jasmine or Jasminum sambac is a species of jasmine originating from southern Asia (in India, Myanmar and Sri Lanka. The spread started from Hindustan to Indochina, then the Malay Archipelago. This flower became one of the three national Flowers of Indonesia (as "Puspa Bangsa "). This flower is also a national flower of the Philippines.
Various sources mention that Indonesia has the nickname of mega biodiversity due to the spread of around 2 million flower species across the country. Due to such natural wealth, Indonesian government designated 3 flowers as national flowers through Presidential Decree Number 4/1993.
Those flowers are considered to represent the characteristics of the nation and state. The 3 flowers are Puspa Bangsa (National Flower) which is Melati Putih (Arabic Jasmine), Puspa Pesona (Flower of Charm) which is Anggrek Bulan (Moon Orchid) and Puspa Langka (Rare Flower) which is Padma Raksasa (Giant Padma).
As the National Flower, Melati Putih is easily found in almost every corner of Indonesia. This flower has the scientific name of Jasminum Sambac. As one of the plants included as shrub, Melati has the height of approximately 0.3-3 meters. Its stem is round and woody. Meanwhile, it has a simple leaf with short leaf stalk. It is a climbing vine with a little bit “messy” and “loose” growth. The flower is mostly found in tropical and warm areas because it is very fond of sunlight.
In Indonesia, Melati has many names that are different in each region. Acehnese calls it Meulu or Riwat. In Bali, this flower is called Menuh. Meanwhile, it is called Mundu in Bima and Sumbawa. It is called by another name by Gayo and Batak people who call it Melur. There are many other names for Melati flower from various regions in the Archipelago.
Philosophically, the fragrant Melati Putih is a symbol for sacredness and purity. As our beloved country is known as pluralist country by the world, it embraces differences, respect diversity, and unite in a strong fraternity. From this philosophical meaning, we can conclude that the symbol of sanctity, which is identical to the color white, is the belief of all groups.
Various Benefits of Melati
Melati is more than just a decorative plant, as the flower with characteristic fragrant also has various efficacies for health and beauty. This is because Melati contains various beneficial substances, such as indole, linalcohol, asetat benzylic, alcohol benzylic and jasmon.
The taste of Melati is indeed a little bit bitter, but it holds many benefits for health. It is believed that Melati can be used for losing weight. It contains antacid and Epigallocethin Gallate that can burn fat. In addition, the jasmine can also minimize toxic in the body and keep the blood sugar in good balance.
Aside from being useful for health, Melati also has benefits for beauty. Through routinely mixing the jasmine in tea and drinking it daily, it can prevent premature aging. Moreover, jasmine tea can also remove body odor.
Melati Symbolism in Indonesian Tradition
Melati has a significant meaning to Indonesia’s tradition for a long time. As mentioned previously, Melati symbolizes sacredness, elegance in simplicity, and sincerity. Furthermore, this flower also symbolizes beauty and modesty, because despite growing in shrubs, the flower has fragrant smell. In several traditional marriage ceremonies in Indonesia, Melati is one of the key elements as it also has meanings in marriage ceremony.
For example, Melati is one of the three sritaman (kings of flowers) flowers in Javanese traditional marriage. This flower is sprinkled upon perwitosari (the core water) water. Melati has a meaning of rasa melad saka jero arti, which translates to “there should always be sincerity and clarity from the deepest of our conscience in our utterance and speech”. The one that is visible from birth is the one inside the mind. Therefore, both are balanced and united. Melati or mlathi has a philosophical meaning that ever person should do act of kindness from their hearts, not only from their physical forms.
Melati is not only one of the sirtaman flowers, but its bud is often made into a net-like handicraft using strings. The net from melati is used as a wrapper for konde (traditional hair bun) and it is hanged on the head of the bride. In other traditions, such as Buginese and Makassarese, it is also used to decorate the bride’s hair. Melati buds are attached on the hair like pearls. Other than in traditional marriages, Balinese Hindus uses Melati as offerings for Hyang (God Almighty), spirits, and gods. The flower is also used in funerals or pilgrimages.
The portraits of this expansive Indonesia are certainly a pride for all of us as citizens. One of them is Melati flower, with its character and sacredness, that we must preserve and take care of as the Nation Flower. It is not only for the sake of protecting it from extinction. It is more than that, as it is the characteristic of our country as a great country with all the beauty bestowed by God.